Specialist Classes Overview

General Guidelines for all Specialist Classes:

  • Specialist Class grades (Elementary & Middle School) will be based on preparation, participation, and effort.

  • Students will be required to adhere to classroom expectations.



  • Meets twice a week.

  • Students learn about vocal techniques, rhythm, melody, dynamics, tempos, and different types of instruments. We focus on developing rhythm and concept of pitch, along with diction and clarity of speech. 

  • Learning these concepts through fun activities: singing, finger play, singing stories, movement activities, freeze dance, playing percussion instruments, and musical apps. 

  • Our preschool classes will perform at our Winter Sing and Spring Show concerts. 


  • Meets once a week.

  • Students will explore and experiment with different Art making materials, focusing on basic motor skills, scissor skills, drawing shapes, mixing colors, line and pattern.

  • Students will draw, paint, collage, sculpt and make ceramics. 

  • We will also read books about Contemporary Art History and Artists from all around the world!


  • Meets twice a week.

  • The focus in PE at this level will be to develop the basic locomotor skills and learning to travel in different patterns using a safe body.

  • Students will also be introduced to basic sports skills like, kicking, dribbling, catching, throwing, and striking.


  • Meets once a week.

  • Focus on verbal and auditory comprehension of Spanish to learn numbers, basic greetings and questions.

  • Students will explore Spanish through play, song, and puppets to help guide them through their learning process.



  • Meets twice a week.

  • Students will explore and experiment with different Art media. Students will draw, paint, collage, sculpt and make ceramics. 

  • We will continue to learn about color mixing, line and pattern, balance and composition.

  • We will also read books about Contemporary Art History and Artists from all around the world!

  • We have an Art Show in the Spring.


  • Meets twice a week.

  • Students learn about vocal techniques, music theory, music history, and ear training. We focus on vocal development, along with diction and clarity of speech. 

  • Students will learn about composers from Renaissance to Rock & Roll and see how their music influenced what we listen to today.

  • Learning these concepts through fun activities: singing, movement activities, freeze dance, playing instruments, and musical apps. 

  • The classes will perform at our Winter Sing and Spring Show concerts. 


  • Meets 3 times a week.

  • We will play active games as well as cover fitness concepts such as strength training and activities which build stamina and endurance.  

  • The focus in PE at this level is to continue to develop their locomotor skills (skipping, galloping, running, etc.) and non-locomotor skills (bending, stretching, reaching, etc.)

  • Students will also continue to develop basic sports skills like, kicking, dribbling, catching, throwing, and striking.

  • Students are introduced to invasion games where they will have to work as a team and use tactics.


  • Kinder meets once a week, 1st & 2nd meet twice a week.

  • Students will explore the Spanish alphabet and hone in on their pronunciation of each letter as well as how to write legibly in order to form words and/or sentences.

  • Students will learn through projects, songs, and activities to absorb the language in context with the world around them.

  • Students will also be privy to the cultural aspect of Spanish and how that looks in different countries around the world.


  • Digital Citizenship - From the first time students enter the classroom, they will be learning about how to leave a positive digital footprint.

  • Using Touch Interface (iPads): Students will gain facility with touch screen technology as a prerequisite for using mouses and keyboards.

  • Programming Concepts (Scratch Jr) - Just like learning a new language, learning how to program and code can begin early!

  • STEM Challenges

  • Keyboarding Skills: start to build muscle memory and expose students to useful softwares they can access on their own time to build their typing skills. Just like learning a musical instrument, it’s better to proactive typing a little bit every day as opposed to practicing once every few weeks. 



  • Meets twice a week.

  • Students will explore and experiment with different Art media. Students will draw, paint, collage, sculpt and make ceramics. 

  • We will continue to learn about design, composition, line, pattern, form and balance.

  • We will also read books about Contemporary Art History and Artists from all around the world!

  • We have an Art Show in the Spring, kids have 2 pieces of Art in the show.

  • Optional sketching studio elective, where students can sharpen their observational drawing skills


  • Meets twice a week.

  • Students learn a deeper understanding of vocal techniques, music theory, music history, ear training, and reading music. We focus on vocal development, clarity of speech, and perfecting performance skills. 

  • Students will learn about composers from Renaissance to Rock & Roll and see how their music influenced what we listen to today.

  • Learning these concepts through fun activities: singing, movement activities, playing instruments, and musical apps. 

  • The classes will perform at our Winter Sing and Spring Show concerts.


  • Meets 3 times a week.

  • We will be covering more advanced fitness concepts and starting to get into more difficult workout programs.  We will also be incorporating some fun active games that promote fitness and activity.

  • Students will be participating in a variety of units such as team sports, individual sports, and team building activities.

  • Students will develop the skills necessary for participating in team activities: sportsmanship, leadership, and communication.


  • Productivity apps will be used, working toward building facilities with different softwares. The goal is: if a teacher assigns a project and asks them to use Google Slides, students could focus on the content of their slideshow instead of worrying about how to use Google Slides as a platform.

  • Keyboarding - students will be encouraged to use their keyboards correctly during class time, and will participate in short, daily practice routines that will help them type as well as they handwrite (or better!)

  • Multimedia Apps (Canva) - This is really where the fun begins. We’ll be working with graphic design apps like Canva to get a handle on what they can be used for.

  • Digital Citizenship will continue as we get a more firm handle on what it means to leave a positive impact on our digital world.

  • Website Design – Using accessible platforms like google sites, students will be introduced to the world of web design. The great part about google sites is that you can work with a certain amount of real HTML code while benefiting from the click-and-drag easiness.

  • We also just got a 3D Printer in the Tech Lab! This will open another facet of technology to explore.


  • Meets twice a week.

  • Students will learn how to have conversations in Spanish focusing on introduction, feeling, the date, etc.

  • Students will learn the pronunciation of the Spanish alphabet to aid in their verbal, written, and reading comprehension.

  • Students will learn all conversations and vocabulary in context, learning important conversational tools that they will be able to use anywhere with another Spanish speaker.



  • In Art class, students will paint, draw, make collages, sculptures and ceramics. We will explore different materials, media and learn about Modern Art History and Artists from all around the world! Emphasis in process and exploration, development of personal style and sense of design. 

  • Enrichment Class - Comic Books and Illustration. We meet once a week!

  • Classes meet two times a week for 45 min.

  • We have an Art Show in the Spring, kids have 2 pieces of Art in the show.

  • We take one Museum Field trip per class.


  • Middle School is split into 3 violin ensembles with mixed experience levels in every ensemble.

  • Classes meet twice a week.

  •  Students are assigned their own violin and encouraged to bring it home to practice.

  • During rehearsals students work out of a method book (Essential Elements) and also work on contemporary songs, either with sheet music, or taught by ear, where they also get the opportunity to sing!

  • Music History activities include listening to all kinds of music from Renaissance to Rock & Roll. Students learn about composers and performers, and see how their music influenced what we listen to today.

  • Students have two performances each year (Winter Sing & Spring Show) where they perform as a violin ensemble and as a vocal ensemble. 

  • Enrichment Class is either a vocal ensemble or a Rock Band.


  • We will be covering advanced fitness concepts as well as trying to build their cardiovascular health.  

  • Students will be learn to develop their own fitness plan.

  • Students will continue to develop the skills necessary for participating in team activities: sportsmanship, leadership, and communication.

  • Some of the units covered will include: Ultimate Frisbee, Basketball, Floor Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball, and Team Building activities.

  • Students will develop a greater understanding about health related fitness and how it can have a positive impact on their overall wellbeing.


  • Stop Motion Film, and Minecraft Building Challenges afforded as Enrichment Class

  • Meets once a week

  • Emphasis on using technology to express yourself creatively.


  • Meets three times a week.

  • Students will explore the incredible cultures in all 21 Spanish speaking countries around the world, their significance, and where different cultures contrast from one another. 

  • Students will learn verb conjugations, important tools for having conversations with Spanish speakers, and will leave being able to read, write, speak, and understand the terminology we will be reviewing.