Classroom Peek Week of 10/15-10/19

Take a peek inside to see what vibrant lessons were happening inside TCS classrooms this week!

In this issue:

  • Red Room used beans, fuzzy cotton balls, and other items to learn about different textures and how they apply to our senses.

  • Blue Room practiced measuring and using glue with different pieces of Halloween-themed scrap paper during a collage experiment.

  • Yellow Room had a visit from a scientist & participated in a fun lab using food coloring, hydrogen peroxide, and yeast during Science Week. In Music class students studied composers and were fascinated by a tour of the inside of teacher Courtney's piano.

  • Kindergarten had a fun visit from Wylder's dad, Jeff, for their weekly Super Hero Training lesson, and each student got their own personal camping preparedness kits and enjoyed a wilderness walk around campus followed by a cookout of grilled hot dogs on a portable stove.

  • 1st Grade used q-tips and skull cut outs to make their own spooky skeleton projects.

  • 3/4 Combo wrote ways that they plan to show kindness to others at school and in their communities on strips of paper then connected them together to create a class-sized kindness chain. In Art they painted flower portraits for their Square One Art projects.

  • 5th Grade did a Halloween "Mad-Libs"-style grammatical poetry assignment to study their use of adjectives, predicates, and subjects.

  • 6th Grade continued their History lesson on civilizations by studying Ancient Mesopotamia.

  • 7th Grade studied the digestive system in Life Science and drew life size diagrams of the inside of the torso.