Classroom Peek Week of 5/27-5/31

Take a peek inside to see what vibrant lessons were happening inside of TCS classrooms this week!

In this issue:

  • Preschool and Kindergarten students enjoyed a fun and educational field trip to Underwood Farms in Moorpark.

  • Blue Room enjoyed a lesson on cats by immersing themselves in kitty-themed literature, then using small plastic forks and different colored mixed paints to create their own cat claw paintings.

  • Green Room students ventured across campus for a chance to explore Mark Bell’s Middle School Science lab during the 7th Grade class.

  • 1st Grade continued their Science unit on Space this week by learning about different types of space vehicles. Each student created their own space craft and were quite proud of their results!

  • 3rd Grade students used cardboard boxes, recyclable, and craft materials to create their own explorer ships during a group project based lesson on European explorers.

  • 8th Grade Science students used solar cells in direct sunlight to generate electrical power between two wired motors during a group lab.