Take a peek inside to see what vibrant lessons were happening inside of TCS classrooms this week!
In this issue:
Blue Room spent the week learning about the different modes of transportation, and talked about how monorails use magnets in order to move by using a magnet stick and magnet cars to explore the scientific concepts of force and motion. Students also created their own paper monorails and a monorail station where we picked up toy "people". They also used a pulley system to play with a pretend hot air balloon by carrying toy passengers up and down.
Yellow Room visited the Art Studio to contribute work to a mural for their upcoming Week of the Young Child celebrations.
Kindergarten enjoyed a rainy day inside playing classic board games and journal writing in their pajamas!
1st Grade took their Grass Heads from Open House to the TCS salon for a haircut and style.
3rd Grade spent time outside mixing food coloring, water, and corn starch to make oobleck after reading the Dr. Seuss classic, Bartholomew and the Oobleck.
6th Grade History students invited TCS classes and faculty to visit their Egyptian Wax Museum installation to show what they have been learning in this semester's unit on Ancient Egypt. Each student dressed as the Ancient Egyptian figure of their choice and delighted museum goers with by coming alive to share historical figures about their character. Students also used play doh, chalk, paint, and styrofoam to make their own pyramids.