Classroom Peek Week of 12/16 - 12/20

Take a peek inside to see what vibrant lessons happening inside of TCS classrooms this week!

In this issue:

  • Blue Roomers continued to work on cooperative play by building train tracks, playing with trains, using multi-colored blocks to construct towers, and by solving puzzles.

  • Yellow Room worked with their sensory bin, using red and green dice to determine how many pegs should be placed in their foam mats, and copying the words “Happy New Year”.

  • First Grade reviewed Language Arts concepts, and focused on nouns using collages of people, places, and things. In Science, they created an experiment using the Scientific Method. Nicolette brought in a "magic Christmas tree". They posited a question, came up with a hypothesis, performed the experiment, examined the results, and came up with a conclusion. They loved seeing the growth progression of the tree and comparing the hypothesis with the actual results!

  • Fourth Grade met with their Second Grade buddies to create bookmarks, and share their plans for Winter Break! In Social Studies, their continued their studies of California, breaking it into 4 independent regions and making connections to their “Walk through California” unit.