Take a peek inside to see what vibrant lessons were happening inside of TCS classrooms this week!
Blue Roomers learned many wonderful and fun facts about dinosaurs this week!
Yellow Roomers are studying weather and the four season. They read Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs and cooked meatballs on Thursday, made weather charts and did a fun language-arts activity where the kids drew what they would wish would fall from the sky!
Kindergartners had a sight word hunt, focused on reading comprehension skills. Their Captain Calendar Lyra (and teacher assistant Ethan) supported their friends as everyone came up to read their sight words. They practiced sounding out words and illustrating them.
First Graders continued their celebration of the 100th day of school this week. by creating a collage using using the 100 items each student brought for math activities. The students also created a 100 Day monster.
Second Grade started their introductory unit on simple machines. Each student got to reach into a surprise bag and pull out a gadget. The students had to name it, tell what is is used for, and point out the parts such as lever, wedge, inclined plane, wheel and axle,pulley, and screw.
Third Graders concluded their reading of “Charlotte’s Web” with Holly this Friday. The kids loved sharing this time and love of such a great story with their Head of School. Thank you, Holly! The children are in the proofreading process for their animal stories, and discussed how using descriptive language could help the reader visualize the setting or what is happening to the characters in the story.
Seventh Graders were putting science to work by examining microbes in our very own TCS stream!